When struggling with low self confidence, people will often create barriers that prevent them from reaching their full potential. Remember your strengths and successes – jot down what makes you shine in your career, what you have been complimented on in the past and what makes you a success in your industry. Its easy to lose sight of the things that we do the best, especially when we are feeling low on ourselves and our accomplishments.
Keep active and participate in the extra curricular activities that you enjoy doing in order to keep yourself in a positive light. The more down on ourselves that we get, the worse our confidence will suffer. Staying connected to friends and family and the things that we enjoy in our lives will help prevent job search burn-out and feelings of doubt.
It's important try and avoid being too hard on yourself. It's ok if you make a mistake; life is about making mistakes so that we learn from them. During your job search, you may not be chosen for every opportunity that you apply for but if you take the time to reflect on the interview that went wrong or the resume that was not tailored well enough, then you will learn for the next experience.
~Sunny & Sassy