“What do you suggest if someone is lost as far as which career direction to go in? I don't have a problem with the confidence part - I've succeeded in every field I've tried, so I know I have a valuable skill set. However, it's been very difficult to know which direction to send resumes out, or how to tailor them if I'm not certain what career I want” – Jenna in Seattle
Hello Jenna in Seattle :
Thank you for your comment on our blog. It sounds like you have explored some options for your career and that you have not found your passion yet. The career exploration process can take time; we think you are right on track with trying out different fields. Since you have a varied skill set that can also work in your favor as you will most likely be able to work in various fields and already have transferrable skills and experience. Its best to start by looking at your values, talents and what makes you the happiest and then work from there. We would like to direct you to read our blog post “Exploring your career options” (the links are provided below). There are links to various career exploration websites online (free) that can help you determine your interests and explore options.
This website also has some career tests/assessment links: http://www.helpguide.org/life/finding_career.htm
Once you have determined the occupation/industry that you want, it should be easier to determine what companies to send your resumes too and how to tailor your resume to fit those companies/positions. If you need any assistance in doing this, please feel free to contact us via email jobsearchsos@gmail.com
Good luck during your exploration; it is an amazing thing once you determine what really makes you tick and try to do it for a living!!
~Sunny & Sassy