Dear Job SOS
I am writing to you for advice about my friend, he's a carpenter. Has been all his life and doesn't have any interest in changing his career. Since the turn in the economy he has been unemplyed and is struggling to survive. He doesn't have any interest in computers whatsoever and doesn't see how he could find employment opportunities online. He keeps saying to me how depressed he is about it. I show him postings online and have applied for a few for him but do not want to continue to do this. Am at my wit's end with him! What should I do?
From At Wit's End
Dear At Wit's End
My goodness, you must be feeling very frustrated and concerned. Not an easy situation. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel for you and your friend. First of all, the fact that your friend is not interested in learning computers is not unusual especially in his line of work and online job searching is not the only job search tool available. Second of all, it sounds like your friend is starting to question himself, feel uncertain about his future and as a result is leaning on you for support. Being out of work is scary and it is not unusual for people to feel down about it. The important thing right now is for you to continue to offer support but be clear about your boundaries and how much you are willing or able to do for him. Regarding his job search, I recommend that he revisit his resume; utilize networking and cold calling as his job search techniques. But, ulitimately a positive attitude is what will land your friend his next job so encouragement and support on your part is key!
SASSY: For crying out loud Sunny, where is your head at today? The future is all about technology! So what if he's not interested in computers, he needs to get a grip and get with the program, otherwise he might as well live in a cave on the side of a mountain and survive by eating weeds and drinking rainwater. What's the point of being a horticulturist if you don't know what's going on in the field?
SUNNY: Not everyone in the world is computer-friendly! Yah, he's missing out but that doesn't mean he can't find a job without using the computer! Plus, you can't force someone to do something they don't want to do.
SASSY: He should stop whining and complaining and do something for himself! Learning how to use a computer isn't going to hurt him.
SUNNY: I understand what you're saying but why waste time on the computer when he can find a job in his field through networking and cold-calling. Remember, job search is not only about the posted jobs. One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is to focus on the posted jobs only. Don't forget, he is feeling depressed and his self-confidence is suffering. Pretty difficult to be open to new skills right now.
SASSY: Well, he's pretty lucky to have someone who cares enough to help him.
SUNNY: True enough. Job search support is important to have. Eventually, with continued support from his friend, he will find the light at the end of the job search tunnel!
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