For instance, suddenly family/friends are calling wanting the job seeker to assist with tasks; take care of their business. And before they know it, family obligations are interfering with their time to job search.
If you find yourself in this situation and have little time to insert job search into your daily schedule, then it's time to assess your situation and set personal boundaries with people in your life.
Family and friends may need to be reminded that looking for work is a full time job in itself and just because you are unemployed does not mean that you have 'extra free time' to assist them on an ongoing basis.
If you are not in this situation, be cautioned that it is easy to find yourself suddenly unable to find time to schedule job search into your busy schedule.
2) Inform your family and friends of your schedule and be clear to remind them when asked to complete tasks, run errands etc for them.
3) Do not fall into using your personal issues as a reason to slack off on your job search. Remember that personal stuff will also surface when you are working. We all have them. We still have to manage somehow and get up and go to work.
REMEMBER - Looking for work is similar to being employed - it's full time!
-Sunny + Sassy
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