Is the feedback from your interviews suggesting that you are under qualified? If so, it’s a good time to increase/improve your skills!
Take a course – through community colleges and private companies you can access stand-alone (ie: MS Word/Excel, Occupational First Aid, Cashier training) courses that will increase your skill sets. A short-term course may be what you need to move forward in your job search and land the job that you really want. There are also a number of online courses that you may be able to access; some of which are free to attend. Try doing a google search to find out further information. If you have been browsing job postings and see a pattern of the training the employers want to see, then taking a course may be a wise idea!
Be Willing to Learn - let the employer know that you are willing and ready to learn new skills; if you have the right attitude and are a good fit for the position, you may be hired on the agreement that you will get the training you require for the position within the first few months. Also, most employers are willing to train employees on certain things if the employee is otherwise a perfect fit for the position!
If you are finding it increasingly difficult to secure employment because you are under qualified, now is the time to upgrade, develop and/or polish your skills. Do your research and acquire the information you need to move you closer to the light at the end of the job search tunnel!
-Sunny + Sassy
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