Monday, January 30, 2012

Job Search Burn-Out

As we have written about in several blog posts, job search is a job in itself.  Countless hours are spent revamping resumes and cover letters, browsing job boards and newspapers for the perfect job posting, submitting online applications, preparing for job interviews, networking, and the list goes on.  Eventually, Job Search burn-out can happen.  It can leave you feeling emotionally drained and exhausted (much like typical job burn-out), de-motivated and wanting to just give up. 
We have compiled a few tips to hopefully help to bring you back to a motivated and upbeat feeling about your job search:

Admit Defeat – let yourself feel the symptoms of burn-out; do not try and run from them.  This is not to say give up on job searching completely; because as we all know, most things in life are just not handed to us, they are worked hard for!  Let yourself feel the emotion of loss of motivation and then shake it off and hit the pavement running in a more refreshing frame of mind! 

Take a Step Back – give yourself a break and an opportunity to look at all of the positive things you have done  throughout your job search;  determine what is working and what isn’t, and take some time to re-energize through doing things that you love to do (like taking a walk, hobbies and interests). 

Manage Stess - feeling stressed can contribute to feelings of de-motivation and burn-out.  When feeling overwhelmed or hopeless about your job search, incorporate tools to reduce your stress level; deep breathing, time-outs, exercise, laughing (watch a funny movie), journalling, talking to a support person etc. are all ways to alleviate stress.  

Simple Reminders – reminding yourself why you are going through all of this in the first place is a good step in the right direction.  The obvious is that being employed is a goal most of us have, but also that finding the perfect job that aligns with your way of life, values and passions is why you are working so hard!

And remember, with determination and perseverance you will see the light at the end of the job search tunnel!
                                                                                                                                                        -Sunny & Sassy

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