Friday, September 20, 2013

Maximize your Job Search with Strong Networking

Are you still job searching by using only old school methods?  You know the ones, scouring on-line for hours looking at job search websites and trying to find job postings.  While this method should definitely be a part of your job search activities, it shouldn't be the only part of your job search activities.  Networking is the key to maximize your job search!  Here are a few tips to get you going:

Create A List – Compile a list of friends, family, old co-workers, the cashier at the supermarket that you speak to all the time, etc.  This is your network.  All the people in your life that you know either by acquaintance or very well, they are your network.  Keep connected with these people regularly (but not over regularly) and let them know you are seeking employment and to keep you in mind if they hear of any openings at their companies.

Keep in the Good Books – don’t burn bridges or speak negatively about past employers.  It’s a small world out there and the chances are someone in your network could potentially be connected to your former employers in some way.  If you speak negatively or burn bridges, a potential job offer could be impacted by word of mouth.

Use Social Media – I know it’s big and scary to some people; however, this form of networking is important for your job search.  Update your LinkedIn profile to include that you are seeking opportunities and use the job search functions of this great tool.  Ask a trusted friend to review your profile and provide feedback.  Update your Facebook status that you are seeking employment – you never know who knows of a job out there that may fit you perfectly!

Create a Business Card resume – Create a business card with your name, contact details and a few lines about your expertise.  When you are out and about you can quickly and easily pass these cards on to your network to keep on hand.  Great self-marketing tool!  

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