Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to Avoid Job Search Burn Out

Even the job seeker can suffer from burn out much like some employed people who suffer from workplace burn out.  Looking for work is a full-time job in itself and if you are suffering from burn out, it will show in your networking and when you are interviewing.  Try these tips to prevent job search burn-out.

Ensure you are getting plenty of rest!  Stress shows in your appearance and if you are sleep deprived this could make your appearance suffer and you may be viewed as disinterested or even grumpy in a job interview/networking situation.  You may be lacking sleep due to several reasons, including worrying about financial situations, feeling blue or up all hours of the night browsing through help wanted ads.  Ensure you are getting plenty of rest to keep your energy high!  Turn off your brain early in the evening so that you can relax and get a good night's sleep.

Celebrate your Successes no matter what size they are!  Making sure that you take time to pat yourself on the back for a job well done is very important.  So you created a stellar cover letter and you're proud of it – give yourself the credit You deserve.  Treat yourself once in a while – even if it's with a day off from job searching.  Making sure you celebrate your successes will not only keep you in a positive frame of mind, but  will help keep you focused on your goals and allow your self-esteem to rise.

Get Organized!  Being disorganized will be frustrating to you in the long run.  Keep a job log to help you keep track of what you have applied/interviewed for, when to follow up with an employer and when to celebrate a successful interview!  Try creating folders on your computer for job postings you are interested in or have already applied for.  This also helps you to resort back to postings before heading into an  interview.  Keep the postings, resume/cover letter created for the posting and note any conversations you have had with the employer in the same folder for easy finding!

Find a Job Search Friend!  If you have a friend or family member who is also job searching, keep connected with them.  Let their strength motivate you on those less than perfect days when your spirits are low, and vise versa.  Give them a call to chat and debrief the week's job search activities.  You will feel much better and you will be able to gain feedback on your job search techniques.

And remember, there is light at the end of the job search tunnel!

                                                                                                                                 -Sassy + Sunny

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