To avoid being sucked into the black hole of internet job search, it is important to utilize a '"little bit of everything" in your job search plan. Internet job search is okay but needs to be combined with a variety of job search tools such as networking, informational interviews, cold calling, volunteering and social media.
Job search needs to be incorporated into every aspect of your life. Being prepared for any opportunity is key. Having business cards on hand is crucial. Being able to tell someone about yourself and your skills at the drop of a hat and in a concise, confident manner is also important.
Let people around you and in your selected industry know you are seeking employment. Securing employment through the grapevine is a common practice with employers. When a job opening becomes available, it is not uncommon for an employer to ask his/her employees if they know anyone who would be suitable for the position.
When you receive a job lead, act on it immediately and spend that extra time tailoring your resume for the position. The time spend tailoring may be what secures you the interview.
Variety in your job search ensures that you are covering all your bases and avenues of opportunity. "A Little Bit of Everything" increases your likelihood of receiving a response to your applications.
So, instead of relying solely on the internet for your job search and suffering from the 'black hole' syndrome, spice up your search, add some variey; be innovative and creative and positive results will surely follow!
-Sunny + Sassy
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