Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Comment from Jenna in Seattle

“What do you suggest if someone is lost as far as which career direction to go in? I don't have a problem with the confidence part - I've succeeded in every field I've tried, so I know I have a valuable skill set. However, it's been very difficult to know which direction to send resumes out, or how to tailor them if I'm not certain what career I want” – Jenna in Seattle

Hello Jenna in Seattle:

Thank you for your comment on our blog.  It sounds like you have explored some options for your career and that you have not found your passion yet.  The career exploration process can take time; we think you are right on track with trying out different fields.  Since you have a varied skill set that can also work in your favor as you will most likely be able to work in various fields and already have transferrable skills and experience.  Its best to start by looking at your values, talents and what makes you the happiest and then work from there.  We would like to direct you to read our blog post “Exploring your career options” (the links are provided below).  There are links to various career exploration websites online (free) that can help you determine your interests and explore options.

This website also has some career tests/assessment links: 
Once you have determined the occupation/industry that you want, it should be easier to determine what companies to send your resumes too and how to tailor your resume to fit those companies/positions.  If you need any assistance in doing this, please feel free to contact us via email

Good luck during your exploration; it is an amazing thing once you determine what really makes you tick and try to do it for a living!!

~Sunny & Sassy

Monday, October 10, 2011

Increase your Self Esteem with these 5 simple things

Spend some time with yourself – by yourself!  Take the time to spend a few minutes alone each day and reflect on the positive things about yourself and your life that you love the most. 

Experiment with your style!  This doesn’t mean going out and buying a new wardrobe.  Go through your closet and try to match different things to make a new outfit – or style your hair in a new way than you typically do.  Have a beard?  Try shaving it off and seeing what you look like!  

Make a list of your greatest Accomplishments!  Grab a notebook, a cup of tea and a cozy seat and brainstorm a list of your greatest accomplishments that are important to You.  Try to only focus on what you feel is important – leave out the things that you thought would make your spouse, children, family and friends happy and just focus on what you did that truly made You happy.

Take Stock of the People in your life!  Reflect on those who make you feel the happiest, who make you smile and laugh and give you guidance.  Remember those people when you are feeling out of esteem; call them up for a laugh.

Read an old time favorite!  Reading can relax and recharge your self-esteem by allowing your mind to be creative and take a journey into the world in the book.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Preparing to Break back into the Workforce after Raising your Children

Job Searching is difficult….job searching with limited skills/experience or outdated skills/experience is even more difficult!  Rest assured that there are a few things that you can do to prepare yourself for your job search and make yourself more employable after returning to the workforce from raising your children. 

It’s important to remember to acknowledge your feelings about returning to work and acknowledge the stress this situation may put on your and your children.   Ensuing that you are including your children in the childcare decisions and talking to your children about the upcoming separation will help both you and them cope with this change.

You will need to consider things such as whether or not you will work part-time or full-time, the type of childcare you will require and whether or not you want to work in the same industry as you previously did. 

In order to keep your skill set fresh, it’s a good idea to find a volunteer position relating to the industry that you are looking for work in.  This will allow you to expand your network and learn about new skills in your industry.  Volunteering is also a good way to ease your children into the daily routine of not having you around all the time.

Ensure you are keeping contact with your social network!  Update your status on LinkedIn to say that you are seeking employment/volunteer opportunities and connect with groups/companies using Twitter or LinkedIn to keep in tune with the employment world.

Make sure that you explain your absence from the work world in your cover letter when applying for positions; that way the employer will not jump to conclusions if they see a gap in work experience on your resume.

During the job interview; ensure the employer knows that you have childcare arrangements and back-up arrangements.  Even though it's not right, some employers will judge a working parent and may think they will have to take a lot of time off work – its best to prove to them that you have it covered!

~Sunny & Sassy