Sunday, May 22, 2011


Are you applying for any job just to get a job?  While this may seem like the solution to your unemployment problems right now, this alternative may not be beneficial in the long run.  During an interview or networking, your body language, facial expressions and words are more likely to show your desperation if you are looking for just any job.  No one really wants to hire someone who has no interest in what they are applying for.  In the chance that you are hired, your employer will quickly see that you aren’t interested in the job and you will too.  In the long run, your chances of quitting or even being fired are likely.  Instead of applying for any and all jobs, ensure you have a specific employment goal and stick with it.  You will be much happier in the long run!
                                                                                                                                                 - SUNNY


SASSY:  Hey Sunny,  maybe some people prefer to find any job and continue looking for the perfect job.  Some people have bills to pay you know.  It may be desperation, but they have good reasons!!

SUNNY: I do agree that times are hard when your financial situation is strained.  But I think that if you can pull it off, taking the time to find a job that you love is important for your emotional health!  Think about it, if you take a job for the sake of taking a job, you will most likely be unemployed again not long after you have started; either because of termination or quitting. 

SASSY:  You make a good point!  But I think it's an individual thing. Some people may be able to handle a not so perfect job for awhile as long as they know that they will eventually be moving on to a job that they are passionate about.

SUNNY: Every situation is unique but job desperation is not a good quality to portray in a job interview. It's important to be aware of how you will be portrayed by the interviewer.

SASSY: The most important thing is to do what is best for you!

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