Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Incorporating your Skills and Attributes into Your Job Search

The  Skills and Attributes that you have on your Resume
can be useful during your Job Search!

The ability to adapt to a changing Work/Life Environment
It’s important to be able to adapt to change.  Change affects us all in different ways and can be a very hard thing for some of us to cope with; however, in order to move forward, you must develop coping methods to allow you to adapt to change.  During your job search, things are ever-changing – even the way that employers what to see a resume written often changes.  If your job search simply is not getting results; you may want to change your job search approach.

Strong Communication Skills
Having the ability to listen attentively and ask questions if needing clarification will allow you to maximize your job search.  Strong communication skills with show in your daily job search efforts through your networking, interviewing, and cover letter/resume writing abilities.   Be sure that you are speaking clearly, attentively listening and that your email communication is professional.

Creative Thinking
Sometimes you will need think outside the box and be open-minded in order to reinvent your job search!  Simply sending out resumes online all day will probably not get you a job.  Be creative – what can you do to expand your network, increase your skills set and bring your job search to another level.  Remember to be open to suggestions from family and friends; these people are on the outside and may see things from a different perspective and this can work for you, not against you.

Once you have been job searching for a significant amount of time, it can be hard to be self-motivated; but you have to whatever you can do to get up and work your network, search/apply for jobs and do things to increase your job search, everyday!   Remember to make time for yourself throughout your job search activities; this will ensure your motivation stays up!

Time Management
Having the ability to prioritize tasks to see projects through to completion is a key skill through your job search.  Use whatever tools you can in order to make yourself organized.  Journal, make lists, set your cell phone alarms with reminders.  

In order to make changes to ourselves and our lives, we must have the ability to recognize the things that need to be changed.  When a person is self-aware and in tune with their emotions and abilities, it is easier to make necessary changes that will benefit you in your job search and in your life.  Being able to determine personal needs, strengths and areas to be improved upon are important during your job search and moving you forward through the job search tunnel.

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