Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh Procrastination!

Oh Procrastination! it can work against you, or for you.  Everyone procrastinates in one way or another.  Some people have the ability to put things off to the very last minute and somehow make a shining recovery or a perfect presentation, while others will struggle if they leave things to the very last minute.  Either way, you will need to determine what is best for you when it comes to preparing for interviews, job search, work projects, etc.  Let’s look at a few ways of dealing with procrastination.

The To-Do List – most of us create lists or jot down things that we want to do; this can be in any aspect of our lives: chores, job search, goals, etc.   The easiest way of re-directing procrastination is doing the hardest item on the list First.   If you start with the easier items, you are pushing the hard tasks even further away!

Step by Step – so you have been meaning to contact a certain company to ask for an informational interview, but you haven’t gotten around to it yet (for whatever reason) – start with preparing a script of what you are going to say.  Start the projects you are procrastinating step-by-step – even the smallest step will bring you closer to the end point.

Call in Reinforcements – having a friend or spouse remind you what needs to be done, this may be the push that you need in order to get things done!

Ask yourself “Why?” – for each task that you have been putting off, honestly ask yourself why you have been putting it off.  Is it because you are scared to schedule that informational interview because you may be rejected?  Are you not motivated to tailor your resume to specific job postings because it takes too much effort?  Whatever the reason are for not starting your tasks, if you ask yourself “Why” – you may be able to overcome the procrastinating and just Do It. 
                                                                                                   -Sunny + Sassy

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